Monday, December 1, 2008

The Possibilities of Video Game Advertising

I have been recently reading a lot of interesting articles about the emerging video game advertising industry, and thought I would take some more time to explore it today in this post.

To put it simply: Video game advertising is using computer and video games as a medium to deliver advertising. Great, but what does that mean? What so many people do not realize is that by utilizing video game advertising techniques Boston Advertising Agencies are able to reach a typically difficult to reach demographic: young affluent males ages 18-34.

Did you know that video games have the 4th highest reach for teens and heavy gamers (following TV, internet and radio), and a recent article published by stated that 97% of America’s youth play video games in some form? I didn’t either – but knowing that, just imagine the possibilities that this mostly undiscovered industry holds.

What this all means for Boston Advertising Agencies is huge market potential. The video game industry itself is growing at an unprecedented rate, with global sales rising from $6.6 billion last year to 14.4 billion by 2012.

To make things even more interesting; the latest forms of in game advertising allow Boston Advertising Agencies to tailor their message to geographic location, and further to time zone, allowing for the delivery of time sensitive messages (think TV shows and movie premiers).

In terms of evaluating the success of a video game advertising campaign - information can be sent back to the agency from the player’s machine in order to calculate how effective the advertisement placement is for the viewer.

The market is growing at a fascinating rate, and is presenting a huge amount of opportunity to be taken advantage of by Boston Advertising Agencies. The potential here is amazing, and it will not be long before agencies start emerging that specialize in solely this form of advertising. It is definitely a very interesting industry that should be definitely be watched and paid very close attention to.


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